Modern methods of facial skin rejuvenation

laser skin rejuvenation

With age, the skin becomes flabby and dry. It forms folds and wrinkles.

One of the main causes of skin aging is the loss of moisture and the reduction of elastin and collagen fibers in the skin, which are the frame of the skin.

After the age of 50, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, which leads to skin aging.

All methods of skin rejuvenation involve the restoration of elasticity and blood supply to its cells.

This is achieved in various ways.


Modern methods of rejuvenation can be divided into cosmetic, anti-aging methods of plastic surgery and general action on the skin.

  • Cosmetic methods include anti-aging masks and creams, as well as hardware and injection effects on the skin.
  • Plastic surgery methods - surgical skin tightening, rejuvenation with gold threads.
  • General methods - reflexology, hirudotherapy, lack of stress, physical activity.

cosmetic method

facial skin rejuvenation
  • Rejuvenation begins with the use of anti-aging cream and masks. Masks can be both ready-made and homemade. Masks and creams should give a moisturizing effect. Modern cosmetic preparations can affect the skin at the cellular level. They stimulate metabolic processes and renewal of skin cells, thereby slowing down its aging.
  • For the same purpose, cocktails containing hyaluronic acid are used, which retain moisture in the skin, smooth wrinkles and increase skin tone.
  • Mesotherapy is a non-surgical method of facial skin rejuvenation using intradermal injections of biologically active substances that promote the formation of elastin and collagen in the skin. Skin rejuvenation is also carried out with the help of ozone microinjections into problem areas of the skin. It improves skin tone, smoothes wrinkles and stimulates metabolism.
  • Photorejuvenation - by exposing the skin to pulsed light, it is possible to effectively and quickly restore it. There is a risk of burns, which can cause scarring.
  • Botox injections eliminate the contraction of the facial muscles of the face, which leads to melting of the skin and smoothing wrinkles. Botox exposure time is approximately three months, then the injections must be repeated.

Through plastic surgery

before and after skin rejuvenation

Skin rejuvenation with golden threads is the latest method of facial rejuvenation. They penetrate the upper layer of the skin in the form of a mesh, which contributes to the enhanced formation of collagen fibers in the skin. As a result, fine wrinkles disappear and the skin acquires elasticity.

Rejuvenation with the help of plastic surgery is carried out by stretching and excising excess skin. Skin incisions are made in its natural folds, which subsequently makes them invisible. Plastic surgery is performed in a variety of places: on the face, neck, chest, abdomen, hips, buttocks.

General Methods

Hirudotherapy is a method of treatment with leeches. There is an improvement in metabolic processes in the skin and throughout the body. Leeches also affect the regulation of hormonal balance in the body, which is also important for the skin.

Reflexology is a method of influencing the body. It is carried out by methods: acupuncture, cauterization of points on the body with wormwood cigars, acupressure Chinese massage. These procedures stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin.

The correct mode of the day, the alternation of rest and physical activity, good sleep.

Hand skin rejuvenation

hand skin rejuvenation

When rejuvenating the skin of the face, it is necessary to pay attention to the skin of the hands. Cosmetologists recommend treating the skin of the hands more carefully and starting to care for them as early as possible.

Hand care at home

  • In the cold season, before going outside, it is recommended to wear gloves even at a temperature of +6 - +8 degrees. In the summer - do not overdo it with a tan.
  • With dry skin of the hands, special creams are recommended. They should be applied after each contact with water and before leaving the house.
  • Washing and washing dishes should only be done with gloves. For skin rejuvenation, it is necessary to do skin massage, masks, oil baths for hands.
  • Special sunscreens will prevent the appearance of age spots on the skin of the hands. If there are already stains, then whitening masks, serums and creams are used. In some cases, you can apply the grinding of the skin of the hands.
  • To improve blood circulation, hand skin massage and nourishing masks and creams are used.
  • It is sometimes recommended to do tonic baths with herbal infusions.

Salon methods of hand rejuvenation

  • Paraffin masks are recommended to soften the skin of the hands.
  • Skin whitening and smoothing with AHA acids. They have an exfoliating effect.
  • Skin resurfacing or peeling is indicated for skin rejuvenation and pigment removal. The most commonly used glycolic or laser peeling, microdermabrasion, treatment with retinoids.

Before whitening the skin in the salon, it is necessary to identify the cause of the appearance of pigmentation. The cause of the appearance of pigmentation can be a number of diseases from disruption of the internal organs to the formation of melanoma. In this case, skin whitening procedures are contraindicated.

Other Methods

  • Mesotherapy.
  • Oxygen injections (oxypuncture).

The latest methods of facial rejuvenation

  • A circular facelift allows you to very quickly bring your face back to normal.
  • Photorejuvenation.
  • ELOS method. The safest way of rejuvenation, which is considered one of the best today.